Novated leasing a Tesla: Oly answers your questions
Thinking about getting a Tesla? You’re plugging in at the right time! The 2024 Tesla Model 3 and Tesla Model Y have hit Aussie shores with not just one, or two, but three price slashes! And thanks to the government’s EV Discount driving extra savings with a novated lease, you could snag some juicy tax perks on a Tesla through Oly and save yourself stacks each year. Oly answers your questions here.
3:30 minute read

Key takeaways
Can I get a Tesla on a novated lease?
Absolutely! Oly is making novated leasing accessible to the millions of Aussies working at small and medium businesses. And when it comes to getting a Tesla, novated leasing is a no-brainer.
Here's why:
1. Heard about the government's EV Discount? It’s only accessible with a novated lease and makes eligible electric cars (like Teslas) or petrol-based plug-in hybrids (PHEVs) exempt from fringe benefits tax (FBT). This means your novated lease payments could come from 100% before-tax salary and you could save thousands of dollars every year!
2. Forget full price. Using a novated lease to get your Tesla means you face no upfront GST (that’s up to $6,334 in savings right there for FY24/25).
3. Novated leasing is also super convenient with all your car-related expenses - charging, rego, insurance, servicing (the whole kit and caboodle!) - bundled into one cruisy regular payment taken directly from each pay.
The EV Discount explained
The EV Discount is a sweet little government incentive to get more people driving electric. So, which EVs are eligible?
For starters, the car must be valued under the luxury car tax threshold (for FY25 this is $91,387 for electric cars), and first held and used after 1 July 2022.
Next up, the car needs to be a BEV (battery electric vehicle) or a PHEV (plug-in hybrid electric vehicle) ― although PHEVs won’t qualify for the EV Discount after April 2025. HEVs (hybrid electric vehicles) are not eligible.
BEVs: EV Discount Eligible.
PHEVs: EV Discount Eligible
HEVs: Not eligible for EV discounts
How much does it really cost to lease a Tesla?
Let’s say you want to lease a Tesla Model 3 with a driveaway price of $60K over a 5-year term. You earn $90k annually, and you’ll spin it 15,000 kms each year.
With a novated lease, your weekly leasing payments could be as little as $234^ ― almost the same as a petrol car worth over $20k less!
And because you can salary sacrifice the whole cost of your Tesla including running costs, you could save a whopping $41,149^ on tax over the course of your lease.
Two popular ways to get a Tesla
Let’s face it, not everyone can splash out on a Tesla up front. The two more common ways to get a Tesla involve getting finance, like with a car loan or a novated lease.
But here’s the thing.
With a car loan, you miss out on the nifty tax benefits that allow you to pay for your Tesla from your before-tax salary.
How does it work?
Say you earn $90k a year, and you want to get yourself a sleek Tesla 3. With a car loan over 5 years, that’ll set you back around $97k^.
But get the same ride with a 5-year novated lease and you could pay around $61k.
That’s a difference of $41k^. Imagine how many cool bumper stickers you could buy with that?
Using Oly’s Tesla novated lease calculator
Oly’s novated lease calculator lets you calculate the estimated savings on the Tesla of your choice.
Simply plug in the cost of your Tesla, how many km’s you plan to drive each year, your salary, lease term - and Oly will do the rest!
Start calculating your savings now with Oly’s EV calculator.
Let Oly help you land your Tesla
If you’re serious about tapping into awesome savings, Oly can help you find a great deal through a mega network of dealerships.
Put your pedal to the metal and get started now.
^ Disclaimer
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